Returns an XML document listing all orders completed over the last 3 months. Dates returned in the response are UTC time zone.
Orders will be returned for the license the authenticated user belongs to.
Copy < result >
< code >
</ code >
< message >
<![CDATA[ Orders returned. ]]>
</ message >
< data >
< flipbooks >
< flipbook id = "1337" name = "Sample Flipbook" url = "/ipaper/sample-flipbook/" >
< orders count = "1" earliestOrderDate = "2020-06-25 11:57:35" latestOrderDate = "2020-06-25 11:57:35" >
< order orderId = "a1B2c3" orderDate = "2020-06-25 11:57:35" checkoutType = "CheckoutByEmail" orderLinesCount = "2" totalOrderValue = "5351,8" >
< orderLine >
< productId >
<![CDATA[ A123 ]]>
</ productId >
< productName >
<![CDATA[ Sample product 1 ]]>
</ productName >
< productDescription >
<![CDATA[ A description for Sample product 1 ]]>
</ productDescription >
< productPrice >
<![CDATA[ 1337,95 ]]>
</ productPrice >
< amount >
<![CDATA[ 2 ]]>
</ amount >
</ orderLine >
< orderLine >
< productId >
<![CDATA[ A456 ]]>
</ productId >
< productName >
<![CDATA[ Sample product 2 ]]>
</ productName >
< productDescription >
<![CDATA[ A description for Sample product 2 ]]>
</ productDescription >
< productPrice >
<![CDATA[ 1337,95 ]]>
</ productPrice >
< amount >
<![CDATA[ 2 ]]>
</ amount >
</ orderLine >
</ order >
</ orders >
</ flipbook >
</ flipbooks >
</ data >
</ result >
If an invalid checkout type is sent the following error code will be returned.
Copy <? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?>
< result >
< message > <![CDATA[Checkout type is not supported]]> </ message >
< data >
<![CDATA[ Value of 'checkoutType' is not supported. Supported values: "", "CheckoutByEmail", "CheckoutByExport", "CheckoutByPrint", "CheckoutByWhatsApp" ]]>
</ data >
</ result >