Query String Parameters

Certain functions in Flipbooks can be invoked by including query string parameters in the Flipbook address. The following parameters are documented and supported. Any parameter not documented here is not supported and shold not be used and depended upon.


Say you have an international catalog with visitors from many nationalities. In iPaper CMS you can only define one language for the user interface (though this can be used to auto-detect the users language), but using the ForceLanguage parameter, you can override the normal user interface language. Example URL that forces the language to French:



Please refer to iPaper Support if you need a specific language code. If you link to a non-existing language code, the catalog default will be used instead.


If you do not want to link to a specific page number, but rather to the first page that contains a certain search term, the GoToFirstSearchResult parameter can be used. The following sample link would take the user to the first page containing the term “Century”:



If the search term is not found, the user will be sent to the first page.


If both GoToFirstSearchResult and GoToAndHighlightFirstSearchResult are specified in the URL, this query string value will be ignored.


This query performs the same operation as GoToFirstSearchResult above, but has the additional ability to highlight the term on the page itself.



If both GoToFirstSearchResult and GoToAndHighlightFirstSearchResult are specified in the URL, this query string value will take precedence.


Using this setting you can override the “Hide Navigation Bars” setting on Flipbooks:



Using this setting you can override the “Hide Standard UI” setting on Flipbooks:



The Page parameter is used when you want to deeplink to a certain page in the catalog. The following sample link would take the user directly to page 15:



Linking to a non-existing page number will take the user to the first page instead.

Query string forwarding

To forward query strings to links, you can prefix query strings with ipforward_. We will strip the prefix and add your query strings to any outgoing links in the Flipbook.

As an example, the below URL:


Would result in external links getting decorated with your parameter: YourParameter=x

You can use the ipforward_ prefix with any parameter you want. If someone follows a link within your Flipbook, the ipforward_ is stripped, so only your parameter is retained in the link. And you can of course add multiple parameters: ?ipforward_YourParameter=x&ipforward_YourOtherParameter=y


Enabling debug mode for a specific GA4 (Google Analytics 4) measurement ID will allow you to see each individual action happening live in Google Analytics debug view.

As an example, the below URL:


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